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You Want Kids To Succeed? Make Them Take a Personal Finance Class

Across these great United States, every state has its own curriculum of what is important to teach kids. While the vast majority of courses...
Ground Picture /

Lawmakers Propose Bill to End Gay Marriage in This State

When the Supreme Court overturned the infamous Roe v Wade last year, everyone took it as a sign that gay marriages might also be...
Paul Hakimata Photography /

Now the Trail Derailment is Trump’s Fault? That’s What Swalwell Says…

Over the years, we've seen a bevy of supposed faults and fails laid at former President Donald Trump's feet. Most are about as ridiculous... /

PA Community Says “Not Today Satan!” Middle School Club Shut Down

Not today, Satan! A Pennsylvania school district revoked its previous approval for an after-school Satan club to use its facilities because of the massive...
Joseph Sohm /

Biden Failed OH Disaster Victims So Bad Even Erin Brockovich Is Speaking Out Against...

World-renowned whistleblower, environmental activist, consumer advocate, and inspiration for the leading character in a film of the same name, Erin Brockovich has become a...
Zenza Flarini /

President Biden’s Brother Makes Shady Deal with Saudi Arabians

Joe Biden is the President of the United States. If there’s anyone who should be setting an example of being honorable, it’s him. And...
Ryan DeBerardinis /

Mentally Unstable Immigrant Goes on Rampage in NYC- 8 Hurt

Crazed drivers, police chases, and assaults are all the hallmarks of a normal Monday in NYC. On February 13th, Weng Sor, 62, decided to...
hanohiki /

Fireworks! GOP Reps. Torch Twitter Censorship Bosses in Explosive Hearing

Congressional hearings are suddenly fun to watch again, now that Republicans have taken control of the House. Many of the most popular conservative firebrands...
Daniel M Ernst /

Miami’s Black Leaders React as DeSantis is Called Racist

Unsurprising, Florida’s no guff Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is no stranger to making enemies and being called names. However, he’s also apparently gained much...
Hamara /

Despite Ban, China Building Nukes Using US Tech

Shockingly, decades-old export restrictions are like restraining orders, they stop nothing. This has led China to surge forward in its nuclear weapons exploration. With at...

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