Covid Unmasks Leftist Hypocrisy: ‘Racist’ Claims Ring Hollow!

Drazen Zigic /
Drazen Zigic /

In March, House Resolution 1062 was introduced, aiming to declare racism a public health crisis. This resolution, pushed by two members of Congress from Connecticut, emphasized the challenges faced by communities of color when seeking medical treatment. The media and medical circles quickly embraced the idea that racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes were proof of systemic racism in healthcare.

Amidst the fervor of media sensationalism and academic echo chambers, it seems anyone with a spreadsheet and a Twitter account became an instant expert on systemic racism in healthcare. Suddenly, every cough and sneeze was attributed to the long arm of racism, conveniently overlooking the complexities of public health.

Early in the pandemic, it appeared that minority communities were disproportionately affected by Covid-19. This narrative was widely spread by major news outlets like The New York Times, NPR, and The Washington Post. However, recent data covering January 2020 to February 2024 paints a different picture.

Contrary to popular belief, the data reveals that the rates of COVID-19 deaths among racial groups are mainly proportional to their population representation. Blacks accounted for about 13.6% of Covid deaths, matching their population percentage. Similarly, Hispanics and Asians showed comparable ratios between mortality rates and population shares.

The critical factor driving these statistics is age. Whites, who make up a more significant portion of the elderly population, accounted for the majority of Covid deaths. People over 50 constituted over 93.5% of Covid mortalities, with those over 65 representing 76% of deaths. Adjusting for age, the supposed disparities in death rates diminish significantly.

These numbers suggest that attributing COVID-19 outcomes primarily to systemic racism overlooks critical factors such as pre-existing health conditions, employment circumstances during lockdowns, and community density. While disparities exist, they are more nuanced than a straightforward narrative of racial discrimination in healthcare.

Despite the evolving data, voices in the medical community continue to promote the narrative of systemic racism in COVID-19 outcomes. Articles in prestigious journals like the British Medical Journal (BMJ) perpetuate this belief, even in 2024. Such persistent narratives hinder a more nuanced understanding of the complex factors in health disparities.

One prominent figure, Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, highlighted the apparent racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes early on. However, the subsequent data and analysis challenge the initial rush to judgment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that a significant percentage of Covid-19 deaths involved multiple comorbidities, with pre-existing conditions playing a substantial role.

Dr. Yancy’s concerns about health disparities are valid. Still, they should be viewed in the broader context of health complexities rather than solely through the lens of systemic racism. While progress has been made in addressing healthcare access for minority communities, the reflexive attribution of all health disparities to racism oversimplifies a complex issue.

As Dr. Yancy rightly noted, every death is a tragedy, impacting families and communities across America. It is crucial to acknowledge the challenges minority communities face in accessing quality healthcare. However, conflating these challenges with systemic racism without considering other factors does a disservice to the complexity of public health issues.

Of course, it’s much easier to blame everything on the big bad wolf or ‘system’ than to dive into the nitty-gritty details of healthcare logistics and individual health choices. Let’s remember that personal responsibility and societal support go hand in hand.

The narrative of systemic racism as the primary driver of COVID-19 outcomes oversimplifies a multifaceted issue. Addressing health disparities requires a nuanced approach that considers factors beyond racial categories. It’s time to move beyond convenient narratives and engage in evidence-based discussions to improve public health outcomes for all Americans truly.