Close to 1,400 January 6 protesters have been prosecuted and imprisoned by the unelected Biden regime. Two to three additional protesters are expected to be arrested every single day for the rest of 2024. The plight of these political hostages has been heart-wrenching to watch, since none of them can get a fair trial in Washington, DC. The jury pool is entirely filled with DC Democrats, so prosecutors have enjoyed a 100% conviction rate against the innocent defendants. Fortunately, the Supreme Court has agreed to rule on a case that could result in many of the protesters finally being released from Joe Biden’s gulags.
Part of the reason why the sentences of the January 6 protesters have been so harsh is because of the novel use of US Code 1512(c)(2) to prosecute them. That statute was written in the wake of the Enron scandal back in 2002. Corrupt energy executives ordered their employees to shred documents that proved criminal financial wrongdoing. 1512(c)(2) stipulates that “disrupting an official proceeding” in such a manner carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.
What does a law to prevent document shredding have to do with wearing a Trump flag as a cape and wandering around peacefully inside the US Capitol? Not a thing in the world. At least not to a sensible and sane person.
In the past, 1512(c)(2) has only applied to disrupting judicial proceedings. It has always functioned as a severe prevention of evidence tampering in financial crimes. The corrupt federal prosecutors in Washington, DC, however, have been claiming that the law also applies to disrupting an official proceeding of Congress. That’s clearly not why the law was written, but the US Attorneys have been using it that way to win unimaginably harsh sentences against people who were guilty of nothing more than misdemeanor trespassing.
The corrupt liberal judges in Washington, DC, appear to be working in collusion with the prosecutors. They’ve ignored all previous case precedents in which this crime was only charged in cases of document shredding in the commission of financial crimes. In handing down sentences against the January 6ers, the judges have repeatedly cited each other’s rulings. It’s as if the judicial system has created a brand-new “crime” out of thin air by applying 1512(c)(2) in such an inappropriate manner.
Fischer v. USA involves two January 6 peaceful protesters who were convicted of violating 1512(c)(2). They are challenging their sentences on the obvious grounds that a ceremonial meeting to certify electoral results in Congress is not a judicial proceeding. Their attorneys argue that 1512(c)(2) is being used for the simple fact that it carries an incredibly harsh sentence.
There is, in fact, a federal law that makes it a crime to interrupt an official proceeding of Congress. That is US Code 1505. But 1505 only carries a maximum sentence of up to five years in prison. In their efforts to play make-believe that there was an actual insurrection on January 6, prosecutors have been illegally abusing 1512(c)(2) to gain up to 20-year prison sentences for people who committed no violence or vandalism. Some walked in and out of the Capitol in less than 60 seconds.
The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Fischer v. USA on April 16th. Court observers expect the high court to rule in favor of the January 6ers. If the court does that, it will immediately affect at least 330 January 6 peaceful protesters who were already sentenced under the document-shredding statute. It will also immediately dismiss two of the charges against Donald Trump in prosecutor Jack Smith’s witch hunt against the former president.