For decades now, the political left has idolized the government of a few Nordic nations, claiming they are how the US should also be governed. One of those presumptions is that the countries have a penchant for being one with the environment and “going green.”
However, a recent move by the Swiss government is telling of the fact that going green isn’t in the cards, at least not yet.
Like the US, Switzerland has a number of nuclear power plants. But unlike us, they apparently have no intention of closing those plants down any time soon.
This was evidenced recently when the government announced that it would be sending out new potassium iodine pills to some 4 million residents in the coming days and weeks.
According to the website Jodtabletten, everyone living within 50 kilometers of one of the nation’s three nuclear power plants will be receiving a new dose of iodine tablets in the mail.
The Swiss have thought of everything "In case of an accident in a nuclear power plant with radiation leakage"
— Anna Magnisali (@annamagni) October 23, 2023
If you didn’t know, potassium iodine has been thought to be effective against radioactive iodine, which is often released during a nuclear disaster. Should radioactive iodine build up in the body, it is believed to drastically increase the risk of thyroid cancer.
However, taking a potassium iodine pill shortly before or after such exposure is believed to reduce such risks.
Potassium iodide pills are given in case of radiation exposure to protect the thyroid gland. Radioactive iodine is released during nuclear accidents or events, and if inhaled or ingested, it can accumulate in the thyroid, increasing the risk of thyroid cancer.
— Dr Khan (@kimiyadan) October 27, 2023
The government sent out about 4.6 million doses in 2014. But since the pills have a ten-year lifespan, those are now expiring, according to SwissInfo.
So, new ones are being sent out.
The government has also purchased enough iodine tablets for the entire nation, with businesses and schools being supplied in 2024.
The pill box seen in the image below arrived in the Postal Mail to every home in Switzerland today. The accompanying letter tells citizens "Iodine tablets, to be taken at the request of the authorities in the event of radioactive fallout."
— Truthwins (@ultrafreedom777) October 20, 2023
Naturally, there is some controversy around the move, as those in the Green Party, who not so coincidentally want to go green, are pushing the government to shut down the three remaining plants. But only about 37 percent of the nation seems to agree with this idea.
So, the government isn’t likely to change its policies on nuclear power any time soon, which states that the plants will be used for as long as they function.