Biden Moves to Deport Christian Homeschooling Family

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We have good news and bad news to report when it comes to the mass immigration crisis that is destroying America. The good news is that Joe Biden has finally found an immigrant family that he wants to deport back to their home country. The bad news? They’re a family of homeschooling Christians who came to the country legally, unlike the 15 to 20 million illegals who have flooded across our southern border in the past three years.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is warning its followers that the Biden regime wants to deport this peaceful, law-abiding family back to Germany.

“Federal authorities have ordered the Romeike family to return to Germany, where they were oppressed by the government for homeschooling,” announced the HSLDA.

The family faced terrible persecution in Germany for trying to homeschool their children, according to the HSLDA:

“In 2006, Uwe and Hannelore Romeike felt called by God to homeschool their five children. Germany responded swiftly by leveling thousands of euros in fines, forcibly removing the children from the home to take them to school and threatening to remove the children from the home permanently.”

The family fled to America in 2008 and was granted refugee status due to the genuinely horrible persecution they were facing in their socialist home country. Their case has been pending for years, and the Romeike family has been afforded “indefinite deferred action status” while they await a hearing on their case as a family of refugees.

Barack Obama first denied the family’s refugee request back in 2013. He accused homeschoolers of being “intolerant” when trying (unsuccessfully) to kick the family out of the country.

Joe Biden has now revoked the protected status of the family and is seeking to deport them back to Germany, where they’ll be forced to enroll their kids in communist public schools or have them taken away. Joe Biden’s standard is now clear. Illiterate murderers and child molesters from the Third World are welcome to move into your neighborhood. White Christian homeschooling families are not welcome.