Officials are finally done looking into the Department of Justice (DOJ)’s shameful investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and infamous Biden family associate Patrick Ho. A formal inquiry into the procedure found some “irregularities,” including clear-cut attempts to cover up the relationship between this Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-connected man and the Biden family. Plus, Hunter Biden’s chats with him as well as officials with the FBI concerning Ho’s case.
Previously called “the f*cking spy chief of China” by Hunter Biden, Ho has been incredibly close with the family for years. He was pinched in Nov. 2017, and convicted in Dec. 2018, in the Southern District of New York. He got 3 years in prison for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering. The first call he made after he got picked up? Hunter Biden, who was reportedly providing legal services for him.
A memo by the Heritage Foundation ended up in the hands of Breitbart News that outlines how things have changed since Ho was convicted. Especially since “significant evidence has emerged identifying concerning irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution.”
They also noted that the “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public.” Plus, they have also obtained the contracts between Ho and Biden, as well as evidence of leaking of evidence in Ho’s case.
Acting like the kid in the middle of people passing notes in class, he was talking between the CEFC and the Biden family. Ample evidence of his actions was found on Hunter’s laptop, and much of it is being made more and more known. With Hunter taking Attorney-Client privilege with Ho, he could be a direct witness to the case, as it played out in real time, and he thought it was all kosher.
Suffice it to say, this is yet another string connecting the Bidens to major foreign interests and their profiting off the American people, but the mainstream media won’t tell you that.