
Sergei Elagin /

Shocking Allegations Rock Bank of America

A gang of 15 Republican attorneys general has rolled up their sleeves and decided to give Bank of America a piece of their mind....

So Much for Bragging About a Good Economy

Like most politicians, Joe Biden has gotten quite good at deflecting responsibility while at the same time taking credit for anything good he possibly...
Bigc Studio /

Hong Kong Court Ruling Could Crash the Global Economy

The global economy is a very delicate system. Changes in one nation’s stock exchange can send ripples across the marketplace as companies have investments,...
gopixa /

Turns Out Biden Made Housing Unaffordable for Half of Americans

A new piece from NPR featured a recent report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University about a horrific situation plaguing...
Steve Cukrov /

Macy’s Ends January With a Massive Round of Cuts and Closures

The 2023 holiday season was rough on everyone. Even Macy’s is taking it on the chin, and on January 18th, the Wall Street Journal...
antoniodiaz /

Bidenflation Puts More Veterans on the Street Than Ever Before

President Joe Biden loves touting his programs in front of the cameras. Cherry picked data, over inflated numbers, and signed legislation that sounds impressive...

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