We Still Have Good People out There; Woman Pulls Man From Burning Car

Photo Spirit . shutterstock.com
Photo Spirit . shutterstock.com

You read that right.

Dennis Brown was sitting in a rental car in a Dallas, Texas neighborhood when it suddenly caught fire. Paralyzed from the waist down due to a gunshot at 22, he was trapped in the vehicle when suddenly Tammi Arrington sprang to his rescue.

A resident of Mississippi, Arrington was sitting on a friend’s couch in Dallas when she saw the flames outside the window. Racing out to the car, she didn’t see him at first, but as she told the New York Post, “I just happened to see his head move just a little bit from the headrest, and then I realized there was someone in there.”

Opening his door, she tried coaching him out, only to realize he was paralyzed. Trying to grab his chair, she quickly saw the flames were growing, and she wouldn’t have time. Pulling him out, she realized she did so just in time as the car was now engulfed in flames.

While Brown and his family thanks Arrington at her friend’s house, nobody thought to grab her name. Wanting to thank her properly, he took an interview with local Fox 4, and when Arrington’s friend heard of the story, she passed it along. Naturally, Arrington was more than happy to reach out and reconnect.

As Brown’s mother Julia said, “I almost lost my child in this burning car. I cannot thank her enough. If she had not pulled him out, he would have burned in that car. She was his angel.” An angel who just happened to be in the right place, looking out the right window, and willing to heed the call at the right moment.

Stories like these don’t happen every day. For many of us, it restores faith in humanity and that not everyone has gone the wrong way. The liberal “no response” answer of filming and documenting over helping is a tired story, it’s amazing to see someone who would rather be the hero than the reporter.