For the fourth time in the past year, a team of leading scientists has proven that the theory of manmade climate change is completely fake. The “science” that underpins the unproven theory of global warming is deeply flawed and cannot be replicated in any laboratory. If you believe that global warming is real, you should start seeing a cult deprogrammer; you have been brainwashed by a religious movement that does not have your family’s best interests at heart. If you’re interested in real science as it applies to the contained atmosphere on planet Earth and you’re open to the possibility that global warming is fake, keep reading.
A team of physicists at the Institute of Optoelectronics at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw just published their latest research in the journal Science Direct. Their published and peer-reviewed study is titled, “Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases.”
The scientists looked at the addition of manmade carbon dioxide (CO2 emissions) and analyzed the effects of the gas on radiation (heat) absorption within a contained atmosphere. What they found is that CO2 blocks heat on a spectrum. After a certain point, CO2 reaches a saturation limit and is incapable of trapping any heat beyond that.
A simple example of the saturation effect is the insulation in your home’s attic. When you apply one layer of insulation, it helps to trap heat in your home and keep it warmer during the winter. If you apply a second layer of insulation, it might make a small bit of additional difference. If you apply five, ten, or more layers of insulation, it eventually doesn’t trap any more heat because it has reached the saturation point.
This is exactly how the researchers say that carbon dioxide functions in the atmosphere. It reaches a saturation point when carbon dioxide is around 300 parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere. What this means in practical terms is that if we dug up every last ounce of coal and sucked every last drop of oil from the earth, put them in a big pile, and lit them on fire, the CO2 emissions could not cause the temperature of the Earth to increase one iota.
The Earth’s atmosphere reached 300 ppm of carbon dioxide way back in 1950—around 74 years ago. Today, the CO2 level in the atmosphere is around 430 ppm. None of the carbon pumped into the atmosphere since 1950 has made any difference in global temperatures.
This is the fourth time in the past year that physicists have applied their principles to carbon dioxide to determine whether it is impacting global temperatures or climate. All four independent teams of physicists have reached the same conclusion, meaning that this research is replicable and therefore is most likely scientifically true.
One of the main principles of science is that your hypothesis must be able to withstand rigorous scrutiny from other researchers. If they conduct the same experiments and come to the same conclusion, your theory (hypothesis) is likely true. No prediction that has ever been made by the climate alarmists has ever come true. Research into the saturation effect of CO2 has come to the same conclusion every time. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions cannot impact global temperatures or the Earth’s climate.
The theory of manmade global warming is fake. Check your child’s science textbook at school. It likely says that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that if we do not “act now,” we’ll all die from hot weather at some mysterious point in the future. Parents should demand that school districts teach real science to their kids, which is that CO2 cannot impact temperatures and that global warming is fake.