Schumer Pushes to Reclassify Trump’s January 6 Actions as “Unofficial” Following Immunity Ruling 

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Bumble Dee /

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced Monday that he and other Senate Democrats will push for legislation to remove former President Trump’s immunity, granted by a recent Supreme Court ruling. The ruling protects a president’s official acts from criminal prosecution. Schumer said Democrats are working on a bill to classify Trump’s actions to overturn the 2020 election results as “unofficial acts” so they wouldn’t be protected by immunity under the Supreme Court’s recent 6-3 decision. 

The Supreme Court granted Trump significant immunity on July 1 by ruling that Trump and future presidents cannot be prosecuted for crimes related to official acts. However, it left the decision to lower courts to determine if Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results are considered official acts. Some legal experts believe this ruling might fully protect Trump from prosecution for his attempts to overturn the election, including the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, as it would prevent prosecutors from using actions related to official duties as evidence in court. 

And that’s a chance Democrats aren’t willing to take.  

Schumer has decreed that Trump should still face prosecution for his part in calling for a peaceful protest ahead of the protest, authorizing the use of law enforcement and military to stop potential violence, and his belief, held by a growing number of Americans, that Biden did not win the election fairly. 

Schumer and his ilk don’t care about constitutionality unless a SCOTUS decision benefits their party. After the justices found that Biden could continue to censor big tech firms against posting information the government doesn’t like, not one Democrat could find fault in the decision. 

Now, Schumer is channeling his inner constitutional lawyer to argue that the SCOTUS judges’ ruling was “wrong.” According to Schumer, SCOTUS “incorrectly” ruled that Trump enjoyed a level of immunity for official acts occurring during his presidency and “incorrectly” ruled that future presidents would be covered under a degree of immunity “so long as their conduct is ostensibly carried out in their official capacity as president.” 

Not content with “overruling” the highest court in the land, Schumer has also decided to abuse congressional powers to regulate courts and seeks to classify Trump’s actions on and around January 6 as “unofficial.” 

Schumer plans to collaborate with fellow lawmakers on a bill that would remove Trump from immunity protections. He emphasized that no president should be free to overturn an election contrary to the people’s will, regardless of the “opinions of conservative justices.” If passed, the legislation would classify Trump’s involvement in the January 6 events as unofficial, enabling him to face prosecution for those actions. 

Schumer also noted that the SCOTUS had “placed a crown” on Trump’s head and laughably said that Senate Democrats were looking at ways to “rein in the abuse of our federal judiciary,” even as he seeks to abuse the federal judiciary. 

Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), are pushing back against the proposed legislation. McConnell noted that Democratic issues with the SCOTUS isn’t that they can’t prosecute presidents for “unofficial acts” but that they will no longer be able to prosecute official acts they disagree with. 

SCOTUS has been under constant attack by the Biden administration since his installment to the White House in 2021. Some Democrats, such as Senators Chris Van Hollen (Md.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.), have backed the idea of including provisions in the Supreme Court’s yearly budget legislation that mandate the adoption of a binding code of conduct. 

Criticism has arisen from government oversight organizations, Democratic legislators, and commentators in response to conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito accepting significant amounts of free travel and other gifts from affluent donors. 

However, the Biden administration cares little for SCOTUS and flagrantly disregards any ruling that may impede Biden’s chances at reelection. Following the SCOTUS ruling that Biden couldn’t implement his “student loan forgiveness” plan, an unapologetic Biden has continued to offer the program anyway, thwarting the decision by creatively repositioning it. It’s a tactic that the Obama administration used during the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which was deemed unconstitutional because of the uninsured mandate. Obama reclassified the mandate as a tax, neatly sidestepping the language of the ruling while stepping the SCOTUS’ intention. 

Now, Schumer feels he and those in his party have the right to classify actions as “official” or “unofficial” if it means seeing their lawfare strategy through to its conclusion. This is life in Biden’s America – after all, daddy knows best.